Truthbook: honest conversations with a psychologist is hosted by Dr Kathryn Smith, a Clinical Psychologist who is passionate about getting real, open and honest conversations out there. She goes behind the scenes with her guests where they talk about the sadness and the joy, the successes and the failures, the worst moments and the best moments. You will let out a sigh of relief knowing it's not just you, be empowered by other peoples stories and laugh at the funnier side of life. Truthbook will help us be more connected and less isolated, more compassionate and understanding of each other.
Tornadoes, Hoodie Land and the Guilt Monster
Dawn Meredith, author, teacher, counsellor, artist, mum…encompasses all things creative. She is driven by strong values that have seen her swap urban life for rural farm life and unplug the TV. We chat about the tornado in her mind, her escape to hoodie land when she has reached her limit and the ever-present guilt monster telling her that she should not be taking time out for herself. And a rare night off being mum leaves a taste of what life once kids have left home might just be like…
Dawn and I chatted in her cosy studio on her farm in North West Tasmania. Dawn grew up in England, Norway and Australia. Despite spending most of her life in the Southern Hemisphere, she still finds celebrating Christmas in the summer ‘just wrong’.
Dawn is driven with a passion to “excite kids to turn off the computer and delve into the extraordinary, imaginary world of books; expand their thinking, challenge their narrow view of the world, open their minds to discover new and exciting ideas”. She has written 12 books for children, including '12 Annoying Monsters: Self-talk for kids with anxiety, and 'The Anything Shop" and one adult fiction book 'Letters From the Dead'.
She started out working as a secondary school art teacher, but realised it was not for her after 5 minutes. She spent the next 28years as a special education teacher, literacy specialist and children’s counsellor.
Three years ago she swapped teaching for farming and moved to Crumbleton Farm North West Tassie with her husband Al and their 15yr old daughter Rosie. They have around 300 sheep, all of whom have a name.
Al is also a dog trainer and was involved in Home and Away as a dog wrangler and trainer!
For Dawn, chronic pain since she was in a serious car accident in 1999, has made balancing life and creativity tricky some days.
Dawn gives a very honest and thought provoking Truthbook.
Dawn Meredith Author Blog
Crumbleton Farm Blog
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